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Browse and pick the best adhd tools to enhance your workflow, get things done and boost productivity. Our curated selection of software helps you choose the perfect solution for your needs. These adhd choices can better help you manage and improve your day-to-day lifestyle and work. All software on this platform is curated, categorized, and helps people to make your life easier. These adhd software have been ranked and reviewed by us to help you better allocate the right ones to your needs.

SaneBox logo

SaneBox is an AI Inbox organizer that removes clutter, saving hours each week on emai

Sunsama logo

Sunsama is a daily planner app that wants you to be more mindful about your work.

xTiles logo

xTiles makes for managing projects and tasks with your yourself and team members.

Lunatask logo

Lunatask is an encrypted to-do list app for habits, notes & journal entries.

BeTidy logo

BeTidy is a organization app for your home and getting aligned on chores.

BeforeSunset AI logo

BeforeSunset AI helps users create routines, plan their day and track schedules.

Amazing Marvin logo

Amazing Marvin offers features to support organisation and reaching goals.

Streaks logo

A habit tracker with an intuitive interface for iOS and Apple devices.

mymind logo

If Pinterest and Google Keep had a baby, it would be MyMind for notes and ideas.

Fabulous logo

Fabulous is a habit tracking app with deep work sounds & coaching lessons.

FLOWN logo

FLOWN wants to help you focus with sessions in small groups to boost accountability.

Paced logo

Paced is a to-do list app for scheduling your day and routines with focus & energy.

BeeDone logo

BeeDone wants to gamify your task management using AI to plan your week.

Habitica logo

Habitica wants to gamifiy your habit tracking with XP, collectables & more.

Due logo

Due is a reminder tool to help you manage and complete tasks.

Everyday Habits logo

Everyday Habits helps you track habits, streaks and success with your daily habits.

Focus@Will logo

Focus@Will is a focus app that uses timers, sounds & productivity tracking scores.

Univi logo

Univi is a mood tracking and video courses tool for those with ADHD.

The Sukha logo

The Sukha is a co-working platform for focus and getting things done.

Headspace logo

Headspace is a guided meditation tool to create more mindfulness in your day.

Notchnook logo

Notchnook is an upgrade for macOS users that want to better quick access shortcuts.

Saner AI logo

Saner AI is a platform for automating tasks and streamlining workflows for ADHD.

Artful Agenda logo

Artful Agenda is a digital planner app used for iOS and Android to manage planning.

Tusk logo

Tusk is a task management app for routines, habits & to-do lists popular with ADHD.

Numo logo
Rising Star

Numo is a free ADHD app for adults with skill tracking, tasks & journal entries.

Routinery logo

Routinery is habit tracking application to create a happier healthier lifestyle.

Tiimo logo

Tiimo is a daily planner app for iOS and Android popular with those with ADHD.

SimpleMind Pro logo

SimpleMind Pro is a mind-mapping tool for bringing ideas to life and mapping plans

Wellwork logo

Wellwork is a simple tool for ensuring a healthy work life balance.

TimeFinder logo

TimeFinder is a time-blocking tool for scheduling tasks, reminders & task planning.

Productive logo

Productive is a habit tracking app for tracking daily routines & habits on the go.

Lifestack logo

Lifestack is a calendar app that integrates your health data to create energy tips.

Inflow logo

Inflow is a daily routine tacker and challenge app to help tackle & manage ADHD.

Brain Focus logo

Brain Focus is an Android app for tracking time and popular for ADHD.

Flow Club logo

Flow Club is a virtual co-working platform for people to body double and focus.

Shimmer logo

Shimmer is an ADHD coaching platform designed to help manage your ADHD in one place.