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Getting Things Done

Browse and pick the best getting things done tools to enhance your workflow, get things done and boost productivity. Our curated selection of software helps you choose the perfect solution for your needs. These getting things done choices can better help you manage and improve your day-to-day lifestyle and work. All software on this platform is curated, categorized, and helps people to make your life easier. These getting things done software have been ranked and reviewed by us to help you better allocate the right ones to your needs.

Todoist logo
Editor's Choice

Todoist is one of the best to-do list applications with all-round natured features.

Amazing Marvin logo

Amazing Marvin offers features to support organisation and reaching goals.

Obsidian logo

Obsidian is a locally stored note-taking application with millions of PKM fans.

Things 3 logo

Things 3 is a minimal to-do list application designed for iOS and macOS users.

Microsoft To-Do logo

Microsoft To-Do is a to-do list application that can be used to manage lists & tasks.

Evernote logo

Evernote is a note-taking application with tasks, calendar and AI features inside.

Nozbe logo

Nozbe is a simple project management tool to manage work and life tasks.

OmniFocus 4 logo

OmniFocus 4 is a place for busy professionals to manage tasks and sort projects.

Remember the Milk logo

Remember the Milk is a task management app popular with those who use GTD.

Nirvana logo
Editor's Choice

Nirvana is a GTD focused to-do app to help to manage tasks and plan with GTD.

Joplin logo

Joplin is an open-source note-taking application that is popular with developers.