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Capacities is a note-taking application with no folders and a focus on objects.
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Is Capacities worth it?
Top Features, Pros, Cons, Pricing & User Reviews
What is Capacities?
Capacities is an object-based note-taking application that focuses on building relationships between notes. It is popular for journalling, making notes, and managing personal ideas. It comes with markdown notes, local-first optionality & PKM features.
It can be used to manage daily and personal notes and organize work meetings and beyond. Many people find Capabilities to be a good balance between Notion and Obsidian.
How does Capacities work?
Capacities are on a mission to help you organize your mind, or what they call the "studio for your mind, allowing you more creative expression to manage ideas, thoughts, and notes that you collect over a day and how they have a real-world practical use.
Unlike other note-taking apps we've covered, Capacities focused on objects.
Objects underpin the experience by allowing users to create an object from some aspect of their daily lives—some good examples might be people they meet, meetings they attend, books they are reading, and so on—and then create notes on those objects.
Apps similar to Capacities are Anytype.
Is Capacities right for you?
Capacities is a unique note-taking application.
We recommend Capacities if you're looking for a note-taking app that allows you to create objects that underpin your notes. Objects can be super powerful, and this concept works well for anyone looking to build a better structure for their note-taking application.
Capacities offers a generous free plan, developed independently, and brings a clean design that many people will love. The app is a PKM tool we'd recommend for intermediate to advanced note-taking or those who use it often.
Anna Here
22 Nov 2024
Workflow Wizard
10 out of 10 stars
Easy to use and visually beautiful
I love how self-organizing this notes program is. With links, tags, AI and powerful querries. It's easy to find anything. The Object-based note taking is just a take on folders that's more flexible. I really and I love how I can have an object in multiple collections. I love that I can create properties and filter on the properties. It's so easy to change a note from one object to another, to create MOCs, to create a new object out of text, to embed multiple notes in one. I love working in Obsidian, but I also love Capacities - it's a tie for me. I love that they work together - both in markdown, both with properties and wikilinks. I look forward to the day when I can import Obsidian files as easily as I can export Capacities files into Obsidian - should be soon.
Jessica Lemelin
29 Sep 2024
Procrastination Punisher
10 out of 10 stars
🎖️ Way to go CAP TEAM
Design The design of Capacities is eye-catching, stunning, and visually appealing, especially if you appreciate a strong aesthetic. I make customizable dashboards that are pretty and easy to do while snugging all significant functions, objects, and tags into one streamlined dashboard, which is a big plus for those who enjoy working in a beautiful, organized space. I’m drawn to their colour options, especially the vibrant shades of pink—no dull tones here! Value Capacities offer incredible value, mainly because they are not just about functionality; they are about user engagement. Stefan and Michael's founders frequently seek feedback and genuinely care about users' wants. With their transparent roadmap and regular updates, they’re committed to making the app even better. You’re getting a well-supported app with a team that’s fully invested in the experience. Features One of the features is the object-based system, which is a complete HIT for me. I can attach properties of one object to another, which makes managing related content sooo SIMPLE ADHD brainhere.. For instance, I can link a journal template (one object) to my digital products business (another object). This feature alone makes Capacities highly adaptable to different needs and use cases. Practicality Capacities surpass expectations in terms of practicality. The sync is seamless whether I’m working on my Mac or iPhone. I can start a note on my Mac, and it’s instantly on my iPhone. This level of cross-device functionality saves time and makes it easy to work wherever I am without worrying about syncing issues. - seriously, I update as soon as I'm done typing. This is an ongoing evident issue worldwide with many PKM APPS ;) OK Performance The recent addition of offline notes has been a awesome, especially when working on the go. The app handles everything I throw effortlessly, and the performance remains solid across devices. It’s fast, responsive, and doesn’t lag, which is crucial for staying.'
Kai Hilton-Jones
20 Jun 2024
To-Do List Conqueror
10 out of 10 stars
Best second brain on the market
I’ve tried them all. Logseq, Obsidian, Bear, Evernote, Tana, Amplenote, Craft, Notion etc. Capacities ticks all the boxes for me and I have stuck with it since its early days. The UI feels familiar. It is very capable but not overly complex (Tana, here’s looking at you). The team listens to feedback and releases great updates on a regular basis. It has become my second brain.
Anne B
05 May 2024
Chief Efficiency Overlord
10 out of 10 stars
I tried them all, Capacities is the best
The developers have been improving this wonderful program every single month that I've used Capacities. Every month, it gets even better. The features grow, and the performance gets better. They listen and respond to users. I didn't think I'd love the AI features as much as I do. I also love to forward important emails to the program. I love that I can embed Google Docs and Todoist - this makes Capacities my central hub. I use Capacities to collect knowledge, manage my life, and express myself. This program can be used in simple and complex ways. It's up to you—you don't have to adapt to the program; you create it to work the way you need it, and when your needs change, it's easy to reorganize. I don't know why anyone would use anything else.
01 May 2024
Email Exorcist
10 out of 10 stars
Easy to learn! I love Capacities!
I didn't find it difficult to learn at all, and the documentation is very detailed and easy to follow, so I can use it in more advanced ways. I love that it's so adaptable. Every object can be changed into another object, and every structure in the app is flexible. The AI feature is amazing, too! I've been using Capacities for a year now, and it is open on my computer all day, every day.
Capacities Features
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