
Craft Integrations & Connections | Connect and Automate

Discover powerful Craft integrations to automate your work and streamline processes. Connect with popular tools to build automated workflows, sync data, and boost your team's productivity.

Create Craft items from newly tagged Asana tasks

You can save your time by automatically creating new items in Craft from Asana tasks. This integration enables Zapier to track tagged Asana tasks and create new items in Craft, copying their title and information from the respective Asana task.

Create new Craft items from Salesforce tasks

This integration allows to keep track of Salesforce tasks in Craft. It will create a new item in Craft each time a new Salesforce task is added.

Create Craft items from saved Slack messages

Use this automation to create new Craft items right from you Slack messages. This will save you a ton of time! Just save your or somebody else’s message either in Slack direct conversation or in a channel. A new item will be automatically created in Craft.

Create Craft items from new Trello cards

While using Craft for discovery and planning phases, you may still use Trello board to track work progress. This Zapier automation will enable you to stay synced between both platforms. Once you create a new Trello card, it will be automatically created in Craft as a new item.

Create Craft items from newly tagged Asana tasks

You can save your time by automatically creating new items in Craft from Asana tasks. This integration enables Zapier to track tagged Asana tasks and create new items in Craft, copying their title and information from the respective Asana task.

Get Slack notifications for new Craft items

Keep track of your Craft activity in Slack with this Zapier automation. You will get Slack notifications every time a new item is created in Craft. Make sure to include URL parameter when configuring your integration to be able to quickly access new item from Slack message.

Create Craft items from saved Slack messages

Use this automation to create new Craft items right from you Slack messages. This will save you a ton of time! Just save your or somebody else’s message either in Slack direct conversation or in a channel. A new item will be automatically created in Craft.