A light to-do list, calendar and note app ideal for remembering everything on mind.
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Is Twos worth it?
Best Features, Pricing, Alternatives & Verdict
What is Twos App?
Twos is a note taking app that helps you stay organized and productive.
What does Twos do?
Twos enable you to capture and store notes with ease, also tasks and calendar items too. Think of Twos as a hub for all your notes, tasks and calendar — in more lightweight packaging. Comparable apps are the likes of Google Keep and Zoho Notebook, although this is more like a condensed, more accessible edition of NotePlan.
Benjamin (C0nsilience)
12 Jan 2025
Inbox Invincible
10 out of 10 stars
In a sea of productivity apps, Twos keeps me off of the rocky shores of data hoarding
I've used just about everything under the sun, so it's rare when I come across something as unique as Twos. It's even more rare when something I've used for around a month has crept it's way into my daily routine, but Twos is just that kind of app and I mean that in the best possible way. Twos has been around for a little while now and the talented duo behind it appears to be on a mission to prove that technology can capture just as much meaning as pen and paper. That's how simple this app is to use, but it can get complex in a hurry, if that's what you're after. Thankfully, I'm not. I've got perma-baked in complexity in plenty of other software tools that I have to use for work and that I've grown reliant upon in my personal life as well. So, how does Twos fit into all of this? Well, it doesn't, honestly. Instead, it carves out a special place in your heart and if you're open-minded enough, will show you a new path forward. Pros: - Fast and beautifully designed - Intuitive to use - Works just as well in-browser, on desktop, and mobile - Twos World is a respite from polarizing social media feeds - Offers just enough AI (if you want it) to be useful Cons: - It might just cause you to lose interest in all of your other note taking, tasking tracking, reminders, and calendar apps.
03 Jun 2024
Distraction Assassin
10 out of 10 stars
Twos is not your basic note-taking app
With Twos, I'm able to offload my thoughts and things more quickly than any other app. I've remembered more, been more productive, and become more aware of what's happening in my life. It changes your life basically. I still can’t believe I’m this obsessed over an app. Its ability to quickly write things down and be a reliable place is something to be appreciated. It's the best!
03 Jun 2024
Email Exorcist
10 out of 10 stars
Twos - the app you'll fall in love with
I've been using Twos for over two years - that, in itself, is miraculous as I've used many apps over the years. Until I found Twos, I never stuck with an app long term. Twos is where I write things down, keep daily logs, add reminders, track memories, manage projects, share lists and so many other things. You can make Twos your own - there are lots of different use cases. It's easy to use and, once you make it part of your every day routine, you'll not want to be without it. Part of the brilliance of Twos is the community. You can connect with other users on Discord and in Twos World. The founders Parker and Joe have created not just an amazing app but a community of dedicated users.
Anya Rider (FrostFlare97)
02 Jun 2024
Email Exorcist
10 out of 10 stars
Just go download it 😁
I love twos, it's honestly indispensable in my life. Everything i need to write down, lives in twos. From morning routines, to my work schedule, to random jottings everyday. Playing a game? Need to write your answers? Use twos Someone tells you their birthday? Write it down in twos. Wanna have somewhere to write your WiFi password? Twos. I think of it as a daily page where I can write anything and everything that comes into my head. Plus I have ongoing lists, like watch lists, book reviews/notes. Honestly, if someone took twos away from me right now. I'd be screwed
Farid Taba
31 May 2024
10 out of 10 stars
The only one that has worked for me
Once Twos “clicks”, it’s a game-changer. I *may* have mild-to-moderate adult ADHD (currently exploring that question) and Twos has streamlined my life so much. I've tried a lot of apps, and it's the only one that's worked for me with its clean, simple UI/UX and GREAT level of customizability (which I REALLY appreciate). On rare occasion, when something doesn’t at first work the way I expect it to, there’s always a toggle for it in the Settings. And this means Twos works for the user the way the user wants it to (or the way the user themself works). The gamified onboarding is also a fantastic idea!
Twos Features