Workflowy is an outliner based note-taking application with a way to connect notes.
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Workflowy Reviews
Carlos Rebolledo Aguirre
20 Jun 2024
Productivity Potion Maker
9.4 out of 10 stars
Simple, flexible y poderosa para moldear a gusto ideas, notas y proyectos
Mi primera impresión al ver una aplicación que sólo tiene una hoja en blanco fue de sorpresa, pero al comenzar a utilizarla, comencé a ver como fluye mi trabajo a la par de mis ideas, notas y proyectos, que, por mi profesión tienen fases estructuradas, pero desarrollos variables, y es ahí donde Workflowy me permite unir sin fricción todo lo anterior. A las dos semanas de uso me dí cuenta de su potencial y hoy, 4 años después, mi primera impresión es que esa hoja en blanco es todo lo que necesita cualquier persona. se completa, utiliza y enfoca, incluso partiendo en blanco si te enfocas en un sólo nodo a la vez, sin que ello importe desorden porque con el uso de etiquetas, vínculos, hipervínculos, espejos y filtros de búsqueda, todo se conecta como uno quiera, necesite o desarrolle. Por último, me anima ver que en los últimos 16 meses han incorporado nuevas características sin perder su simplicidad y flexibilidad. Es realmente genial.
Julio Vera
26 Mar 2024
Procrastination Punisher
8.8 out of 10 stars
Pretty great app
Workflowy is an amazing app to work in. Unlike Tana and other outliners using it feels kind of Zen and adding stuff to it feels just like a breeze. It's excellent for managing your second brain, GTD or even an online BuJo (although I pair it with a physical planner because of my ADHD). The app has been in development since years ago and it's still going strong so feel confident it's not going anywhere. Definitely, give it a shot. I also have to say the price is really good and I always pay the yearly fee. I wouldn't use it as a Zettelkasten though (which is different than a second brain), my knowledge processing happens inside another app but for productivity, brainstorming and having a clear view of your priorities in life there's nothing like workflowy.
Michael Ehling
01 Mar 2024
Workflow Wizard
9.8 out of 10 stars
Fast & flexible
Fast, flexible, beautiful, and easy to use, WorkFlowy lets me and my teams do - knowledge management (team, PKM, Zettelkasten) - planning, - writing, - brainstorming, - project & task management, ...very well. Three stand-out features that make the magic happen: - Mirrors: like links/backlinks turned up to 11, Mirrors insert anywhere a live copy of information from another part of my system. Example: I can mirror a project into my daily notes, view and edit it there but have it update the original). So much less clicking about. - Views: I can zoom into any part of my system and view it as an outline or as boards (kanban). I can even nest boards within boards (open/zoom into a card on one board and it displays itself as a board full of the structured info I need at that level). - Templates: anything can become a template. I can place "insert this template" buttons wherever I need it. I have buttons for creating (from templates) new meeting notes, new projects, new idea slips (as per the Zettelkasten approach to learning and knowledge management). Three things that would make WorkFlowy even better: - More text formatting options. I like being able to create regularly needed emails and documents from text templates I store in WorkFlowy. It handles the basics fine. I would love if it had quote formatting, code formatting, and in-line images. I'd love to be able to paste the contents of an email, document, or web page and have it preserve the bulk of the formatting. - An optional second pane. There are times--despite the links, mirrors, and the many really fast navigation tools--when I want to work with two parts of my system (outline) at once. I like how apps like Obsidian and Amplenote let you pop open a panel on the right to enable this. - PDF and other doc viewers. You can attach files anywhere in WorkFlowy. But when you want to view them, you have to download them then open them from your system's file explorer.
Jonathan Castro
29 Feb 2024
Project Manager
9.6 out of 10 stars
Simple, effective
Workflowy has honestly saved me. You write something down, and another thought goes into the next bullet. Then another, and another. Before you know it, you've built out a list of To-dos, a regular spot to document thoughts, and something you can drag and drop and drop anywhere in your bullets. The ease of use is just phenomenal. Features are there, but you don't even have to dig into them if you don't want to. You just want to write some stuff and keep it somewhere safe? This is it. I've used it now for a full year, and I've jumped around to see others like it and it still takes the cake. I use WF for to-dos, notes, and journals. I have the entire year planned out in weeks, archiving week to week. I recommend it if Notion/Obisidian/Coda others are just too overwhelming. I really tried others and was given so many features and options that I just couldn't get my ideas straightened out. I use WF and Google Calendar for real-time reminders. That's it, no more no less. The design is pretty simple, but does the job. Practicality and performance are huge! I can write an entire list on a browser, run outside on my phone, and it's there with a superfast sync. It sometimes makes me think, is this really all I need? Time and time again, answer is yes. I've been a paid subscriber and would gladly pay again for my next year.
Dustin Glendinning
29 Feb 2024
Productivity Potion Maker
9.6 out of 10 stars
A better notebook
I've been using Workflowy for about 10 years. Don't think I can say that about any other digital tool in my life. Just the zooming feature alone is exactly how my brain works and worth the price on its own. But they have incrementally added new features and polish over the years that really make it the most adaptable tool I've seen. It imposes no structure on your thinking. It really is just a better notebook. If there's a downside, it's that it does really on the user to create structure, which is more a weakness of myself. I can tend to overcomplicate things too quickly. But again, Workflowy is absolutely able to start over restructuring content. I have no worries if I want to not just switch views but also switch from tags to nested lists as an organization method, or any other method, it's almost trivial to try out new ways of looking at things with Workflowy.
Remko Smid
28 Feb 2024
Workflow Wizard
9.0 out of 10 stars
Frictionless, flexible and powerful
WorkFlowy is so easy to get into, but getting more powerful the longer you use it. You can create any productivity system you like, but it managed to stay lean and quick. Especially in comparison to many competitors that have tried to copy it and have become bloated with feature creep. Highly recommended for anyone that doesn't like to be overwhelmed with life, work or the tools that are supposed to manage it.
Cameron Pak
28 Feb 2024
Email Exorcist
8.6 out of 10 stars
Most focused and simple productivity and note taking tool
If you have ADHD like me, you probably want a tool that works how your brain thinks. You probably don't want a ton of bells and whistles, because those are noisy and make you feel like you're productive, when you're really just wasting time optimizing something that doesn't actually correlate with you getting things done or being productive. Workflowy is different than the rest. It's simple. It's the closest thing to a digital bullet journal that I've found. It's fast, I can take notes and zoom into a bullet point to be immersed and focused. Try Workflowy out. You have nothing to lose. The devs are nice and they're making the app more and more performant daily. It's been around 10+ years.