

SaneBox removes distractions from your mailbox to create a productive email system.

Our Rating











John Moore profile picture

John Moore

24th Jul 2024

Workflow Wizard

Use: 1Y 10 / 10

Great tools and resources!

In addition to the tools offered by SaneBox, they also have a suite of blogs and resources to help stay on top of emails. I love the blog outlining how to take advantage of ChatGPT to write better emails. The SaneBox team is very responsive to our question and helped our team implement SaneBox. Highly recommend!

Abdelmadjid Boulahbal profile picture

Abdelmadjid Boulahbal

22nd Jul 2024

Time-Management Titan

Use: 2Y 10 / 10

Great Experience!

Before discovering SaneBox, my inbox was a chaotic mess. I spent hours every week sifting through emails, trying to separate the important ones from the clutter. It was stressful and unproductive. Now, thanks to SaneBox, my email management has been revolutionized. The AI-powered filtering system effortlessly prioritizes my emails, ensuring that......


Peter Sandeen

10th Jul 2024

Messaging expert

Use: 2Y 9.4 / 10

Saves a ton of time

Simple tool that sorts your email automatically to folders away from the inbox, which saves me some hours each week. Super easy to use, and although some messages end up in the wrong folders every now and then, they show up in the digest email, so I'm not worried about missing something. My inbox was rarely at zero before I started using SaneBox......

Ed Castillo profile picture

Ed Castillo

3rd Jul 2024

Sultan of Streamlining

Use: 1Y 7.8 / 10

Great experience for businesses

Incredible tool for business owners I’ve been using this for months in my business and has allowed me to be far more efficient in the way that I operate it’s certainly recommended probably anything from personal use to business or normal work use. You can customize it so much in any way that suits your use.


Jun-te Kim

3rd Jul 2024

Deadline Whisperer

Use: 1Y 10 / 10

Keeps me Sane - Amazing Tool

Sanebox allowed my inbox to be a to do list instead of bombardment of newsletters and junk mail. It allowed me to intellectually funnel 2 weeks later reminders down the road to email me later via the inbox as well as funnelling news and other un urgent emails to SaneLater and SaneNews. Absolutely fantastic tool

Mike jnhn profile picture

Mike jnhn

3rd Jul 2024


Use: 2Y 10 / 10

Regained Control and Boosted Productivity with SaneBox

Before I started using SaneBox, my email inbox was a chaotic mess with hundreds of unread messages and constant distractions. Now, thanks to SaneBox, my inbox is organized and manageable, and I only see the emails that truly matter. This tool has saved me at least two hours every week by filtering out unimportant emails and prioritizing what needs......

Mataramred Mataramblue profile picture

Mataramred Mataramblue

2nd Jul 2024

Zen of Zero Inbox

Use: 1Y 9.2 / 10

Helps manage email

Before I started using SaneBox, my email inbox was a chaotic mess. I spent hours each day sifting through spam, newsletters, and unimportant emails to find the messages that actually mattered. This inefficiency was not only time-consuming but also stressful, as I constantly worried about missing important emails. Now, with SaneBox, my inbox is......

Taryn Rindahl profile picture

Taryn Rindahl

1st Jul 2024

Deadline Demolisher

Use: 3Y 10 / 10

Overall great app

I wouldn’t say it’s my number 1 email inbox app but I would still recommend it to others. I’m simply stubborn and used to my typical Apple Email app as well as Gmail when I use android. That being said, it’s really simple to use, if there were ever any bugs they seemed to be addressed quickly, and the look is simple yet fun.

Gbenga Babatunde profile picture

Gbenga Babatunde

26th Jun 2024

Chief Efficiency Overlord

Use: 3Y 9.2 / 10

SaneBox Reviews

**Previous Situation: I was completely overwhelmed with email and even attempted to abandon email altogether, asking people to contact me via letter, call, or text. This approach only lasted three weeks, as email remains essential for communication. **Current Situation: I am now a strong advocate for SaneBox. It has significantly improved my......

Tegs Onokade profile picture

Tegs Onokade

19th Jun 2024

Distraction Assassin

Use: 4Y 10 / 10

Overall, SaneBox's services are designed to save time, reduce email overload, and improve productivi

Before I began utilizing SaneBox, I was investing a lot of energy figuring out my email inbox, frequently feeling overpowered by the sheer volume of messages and attempting to focus on significant messages. Presently, with SaneBox, I'm ready to channel and coordinate my messages with high precision consequently. This has saved me a few hours every......

Brett Terpstra profile picture

Brett Terpstra

19th Jun 2024

Email Exorcist

Use: 5Y 9.8 / 10

Sanebox saved my (email) life

I get a lot of email on multiple accounts, and sifting through the amount of inane and unimportant emails I get to find the important ones took a lot of custom filters, smart mailboxes, and way too much manual sorting. SaneBox saved me. I just categorize an email once, and then all future emails of that type are automatically handled. No writing......


Tim Stringer

19th Jun 2024

Productivity Consultant

Top VoiceUse: 5Y 8.4 / 10

SaneBox Lives Up to Its Name

I've been using SaneBox for many years. It made a great first impression and continues to serve me well. With SaneBox, only the most essential email earns a spot in my Inbox. Everything else is automatically moved to folders that I review less frequently. I appreciate that SaneBox works with virtually every email provider. Since SaneBox performs......


Ganiyu Amodu

19th Jun 2024

Internet Marketer

Use: 3Y 9.6 / 10

SaneBox: The Ultimat e Email Organizer

Before I started using SaneBox, my inbox was a chaotic mess. I typically receive around 30-50 emails each day, but I rarely manage to go through them all, leaving me clueless about which ones are most valuable, important, or urgent. SaneBox has been a lifesaver, effectively organizing every email I receive. One feature I particularly appreciate......

Diana Miles profile picture

Diana Miles

18th Jun 2024

Email Exorcist

Use: 2Y 9.4 / 10

Effectively and orderly organized

Before SaneBox my emails was disorganised which I was easily to miss out on an important emails. Now that I am using SaneBox my emails are more organised in folders that helps me to never miss on an important emails and removing spam emails that helps me stay more connected. Great service I would recommend to anyone looking to more neat and......

Deedee Apples profile picture

Deedee Apples

18th Jun 2024

Clutter Crusher

Use: 3Y 10 / 10

Great all around!

Before I was constantly running to check emails, dreading the abundance of spam and not being organized. Tool finder was a great help as it introduced me to SaneBox. I’d suggest SaneBox to anyone that are currently in the same position I was a few years ago. Saying I love Toolfinder and SaneBox would be an understatement!