

HubPlanner is a project management tool specialising in resource management.

Our Rating

HubPlanner Review (2024)

Best Features, Pros & Cons, Alternatives & Verdict

HubPlanner is a project management tool specializing in resource management so you can make sure you are getting the best out of your team, time, and skills.

Hub Planner App for Project Management

What is HubPlanner?

HubPlanner is a large team project management software with resource management.

Used by over 100,000 teams worldwide — Try it now for free / No credit card needed

Run all your work on one platform with customizable products that scale with your needs.

What does HubPlanner do?

HubPlanner is a project management tool with additional resource management features to make sure the best people are working on certain tasks, that time is being well spent, and that money or the budget isn't being wasted. Hub Planner has tons of tools for managing tasks, team skills, reports and much more.

HubPlanner is best suited for teams with a wide range of abilities, you can manage individual skill sets to ensure the right people are doing the right task. This works well for remote teams with members all around the globe.

HubPlanner Pros

The HubPlanner app is great for managing and tracking projects, here are more best features.

  • Skillsets - Create custom skill sets for team members to make sure you always match the correct person for the right task or project.
  • Reports - Use dynamic reports to track the budget and progress of projects and how well your team are doing.
  • Time management - Use timesheets next to time schedules to monitor how smoothly the project is running.
  • Visual space - HubPlanner creates a visual space to see everything you need side by side to quickly and efficiently manage projects and teams.
Timesheets in HubPlanner

HubPlanner Cons

Here are a few negatives for HubPlanner.

  • Less project focus - Because HubPlanner is more focused on resource management, the project and task tools slightly fall behind.
  • Fewer integrations - You cannot connect or integrate HubPlanner with many tools, making it harder to create a streamlined workflow.

Used by over 100,000 teams worldwide — Try it now for free / No credit card needed

Run all your work on one platform with customizable products that scale with your needs.

HubPlanner Verdict

We think HubPlanner is a good tool for large teams, not so much smaller team project management who want to optimise specific team member skillsets throughout projects to make the most of each member and to keep in line with budgets, timesheets and more.

Those who will benefit from resource management within a team and workload management will benefit from a tool like HubPlanner.

HubPlanner Availability

HubPlanner Features

Resource Management SchedulingReports

HubPlanner Learning Effort


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