Connect Hiver with Slack to automate workflows, sync data in real-time, and eliminate manual tasks. Build powerful automated workflows between these tools to save time and reduce errors.
Stay updated on Hiver conversations directly from your Slack workspace. As soon as a new update occurs in a Hiver conversation, this automation sends a message to a designated Slack private channel. This promotes real-time updates and overall team collaboration, eliminating the need for switching between applications.
This workflow instantly connects Hiver and Slack to streamline your team's communication. When a new note is created in Hiver, a private channel message is sent in Slack. This a great way to keep your team updated and ensure that all essential notes are shared promptly. Cut time spent on manual updates and enhance collaboration within your team.
Stay promptly updated with your team's conversation changes in Hiver through a streamlined automation. With this workflow, every time a conversation is updated in Hiver, a channel message is instantly sent in Slack. It ensures you never miss crucial conversation updates, helping your team maintain seamless communication and stay on top of every change.
Boost the efficiency of your customer service teams with this workflow. Whenever there is a new CSAT rating received in Hiver, this automation will swiftly share the updates as a channel message on Slack. It makes sure your team stays informed in real-time to improve customer experience, minimizing delays and enhancing communication practices.
Stay updated with the latest conversations in your Hiver inbox seamlessly. This workflow springs into action when there's a new inbound conversation in Hiver. It promptly sends a direct message through Slack to make sure you never miss any important communication. Save time by reducing manual checking and enjoy the smooth transition of information between your favorite apps.
When a new note is created in the Hiver app, this workflow ensures the information is promptly shared amongst your team by sending a channel message in Slack. It makes team communication more efficient by allowing everyone to stay updated on important notes without having to leave Slack. This process not only saves time but reduces disruptions, enhancing your team's productivity.
Stay on top of your customer conversations with this Hiver-Slack workflow. Whenever a new inbound conversation occurs in Hiver, this automation will send a channel message in Slack, ensuring your team stays informed and can respond quickly. Keep your communication process seamless and efficient for better customer support.
Stay on top of important conversations and ensure quick responses with this Hiver and Slack workflow. Whenever a conversation is updated in Hiver, it will automatically send a direct message in Slack to keep you informed. This simple automation helps you stay connected to your communication channels and maintain efficient collaboration with your team.
Flipping back and forth between email and chat? This automation can help speed things up. Whenever a Hiver shared label is added to an email, Zapier automatically sends a message to a Slack channel containing the subject of that email and a link.
Use this template to automatically send messages to a specific Slack channel whenever a new email arrives in a Hiver shared mailbox. Send details including the subject of the email and a link to that email.