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Bookmark & Read Later Tools

Looking to save something for later or maybe clip an idea you found in an articles. There are apps that can help, they are called bookmark tools and they allow you to save anything for later. Many of them allow you to save articles, snippets from said article and even newsletters or emails into the tool for you to read later. These read later tools are popular with readers or those who want to process later.

mymind logo

If Pinterest and Google Keep had a baby, it would be MyMind for notes and ideas.

Glasp logo

Glasp is a web & PDF highlighting tool that works with Google Chrome & Safari.

Podcast Later logo

Podcast Later turns articles into a podcast feed narrated with life-like audio.

Raindrop logo

Raindrop is a bookmark tracking tool for saving and resurfacing bookmarks online.

Dewey logo

Dewey is a bookmarking tool that allows you to save images, links & videos in one.

ReadPartner logo

ReadPartner is an AI assistant for summarizing news & websites for consumption.

Zencutter logo

ZenClutter is an all-in-one organizer for lists, calendar, plans & file management.

Pocket logo

Pocket is a bookmark tool for saving important articles, links & snippets.

Matter logo

Matter is a bookmark tool for capturing articles, newsletters & more.