
Formatter for Zapier + Filter Integration | Connect and Automate

Connect Formatter for Zapier with Filter to automate workflows, sync data in real-time, and eliminate manual tasks. Build powerful automated workflows between these tools to save time and reduce errors.

Send current pollen levels from Ambee via Slack messages with new public messages posted anywhere in Slack

Looking for an easy way to grab the latest pollen levels in Slack? This Zap will help. Once it's active, whenever a user posts a new public messages anywhere in Slack with the text 'Current Pollen Levels', Ambee looks up the data automatically and posts it as a Slack channel message.

Create Asana tasks and send Slack messages when new Slack messages start with "$request"

Never lose track of a request in Slack again. This integration allows coworkers to specify their message as a request in Slack, simply by starting the message with "$request". When they do, Zapier will auto-create an Asana task so you can keep track of it. Zapier will also send a Slack message, so your team can collaborate on the request.