
Filter + Google Sheets Integration | Connect and Automate

Connect Filter with Google Sheets to automate workflows, sync data in real-time, and eliminate manual tasks. Build powerful automated workflows between these tools to save time and reduce errors.

Create Builder Prime leads from new or updated Google Sheets rows

Use a Google Sheet to add new leads into Builder Prime. This is handy if you're collecting lead data out in the field, or perhaps don't have internet access and want to use Google Sheets in offline mode. Once there is a data connection, all the new leads will get added to Builder Prime. We recommend using the filter step that requires a specific column to be filled in for a row before running. This prevents partial data from being sent over to Builder Prime from your Google Sheet.

Send filtered Google Sheets rows in a Slack message

This Zap will take care of it when you need alerts for specific spreadsheet changes or need to catch errors. Whenever there's a new spreadsheet row in Google Sheets, Zapier will send a channel message in Slack—only if it passes a filter. Just customize the filter to only send the alerts you want.

Update Google Sheets rows with new, specific messages in Slack channels

Are you keeping track of how often the word "epic" is used on Slack? Maybe you have a vacation-request database you built in Google Sheets. Whatever your tracking needs, this integration will automatically update a row in a Google Sheets spreadsheet from a new received message in a specified Slack channel. Get specific and use Filter by Zapier in this integration to ensure that you only update Google Sheets with specific messages.