
How Tool Finder Handles Affiliates

At Tool Finder by Keep Productive, we believe in transparency and honesty when it comes to our affiliate partnerships. Our affiliate policy is as follows:

  • We do use affiliate links to support our website and our team. However, we do not rank tools higher based on the inclusion of an affiliate link. We create the guide and content first, and apply the affiliates afterwards.
  • Our rankings and reviews are based solely on the quality and usefulness of the tool.
  • Advertisers and brands may pay for sponsorship, which is clearly stated on all tool cards. This does not affect our rankings or reviews.
  • We do not accept payment for reviews of tools. All of our reviews are based on our honest opinion and experience with the tool.
  • Not all tools have affiliate links.

By using Tool Finder by Keep Productive, you can trust that our recommendations are based solely on the quality of the tool, and that we are transparent about any affiliate links or sponsorships. If you have any questions or concerns about our affiliate policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

At Keep Productive Ltd, we believe in transparency.

We would like to disclose that we are invested in Mem Labs Inc. However, we want to emphasize that this does not influence our decision-making process or review evaluations for any applications in the productivity market.

Our commitment is to provide unbiased and objective recommendations based on the merits and quality of each product.