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Slab Review

Best Features, Pricing, Alternatives & Verdict

Slab wants to be your base for team knowledge management. But with Notion, Tettra, and many more, does it live up to the standard?

Slab, Planning Projects, Collaborative Team Wiki

What is Slab?

Slab is a collaborative team knowledge management patform designed to help teams organise, share, and access information effectively.

What does Slab do?

With a user-friendly interface, Slab simplifies the process of creating and maintaining a centralised knowledge base for businesses. Users can create and edit documents collaboratively, fostering teamwork and knowledge sharing. Commonly referred to as a team wiki app, it is similar in nature to Slite, Notion and even ClickUp which has docs.

Slab also offers powerful search functionality, enabling users to quickly find the information they need. Slab provides features for organising content, including tagging and categorisation options, to facilitate easy navigation and retrieval of knowledge.

Slab, Apple Example, Employee Handbook, App for Team Wiki

It emphasises transparency, allowing users to track document history and revisions.

Additionally, Slab offers integration capabilities with other tools to streamline workflows and enhance productivity. Overall, Slab aims to enhance knowledge management within organizations, promoting collaboration, accessibility, and efficiency in accessing and sharing information. This is a neat team wiki app for team knowledge management.

Slab Pricing

Slab: Features for Team Knowledge Management

These are the key features of Slab ideal for that team wiki you might want to set-up:

  • Create and edit documents collaboratively, enabling teams to work together and contribute to team knowledge management.
  • Robust search functionality allows users to quickly find relevant information within the knowledge base.
  • Slab offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and use the platform effectively, a perfect team wiki app.
  • Features for organising content, including tagging and categorisation options, facilitate efficient knowledge organisation and retrieval.
  • Track document history and revisions to maintain transparency and easily identify changes made over time.
  • Slab integrates with other tools and platforms, allowing seamless workflows and enhancing productivity.
  • Ensure that knowledge and information are easily accessible to all authorised users within the organisation.
  • Enable teamwork and collaboration through features such as comments, mentions, and notifications.

How much does Slab cost?

Slab costs $8 per user, per month with higher pricing too.

Slab Pricing

Verdict: Is Slab good for my team?

Slab is a lightweight knowledge management software for businesses.

It doesn't replace everything, but it will structure your team knowledge in one place. Like Tettra and Slite, for those who might want something more focused than Notion's more open-canvas use for teams, these type of tools are better.

Having a base for all knowledge within the team speeds up processes and gives a place for team members to retrieve information when they need it.

Best Slab Alternatives

Alternatives to Slab are Slite, Notion, ClickUp (docs) and even Craft.


Slab has a great interface, with modern editing, making it easy to just get the work done and not worry about the rest.


Use Topics and Subtopics to organise your work, taking it further than tags and folders for easier team knowledge management.


Use Slab with unified search feature to pull up everything from inside the application, always bringing relevant results.

The Benefits of Team Knowledge Management

Thinking of using a knowledge management base for your team? Well, this might judge whether Slab is right for you or whether another tool that doesn't use this type of system might be more suitable for you.

Here's how a knowledge management system can benefit your business.

  • Centralised Knowledge: Knowledge management software provides a centralised repository for storing and organising information. This allows easy access to critical knowledge, documents, and resources, reducing the time spent searching for information.
  • Improved Collaboration: Knowledge management software facilitates collaboration by enabling teams to share and contribute to the same knowledge base. It promotes knowledge sharing, idea generation, and collective problem-solving, enhancing teamwork and productivity.
  • Knowledge Retention and Transfer: By capturing and storing knowledge in a structured manner, organisations can retain valuable expertise and insights even when employees leave or retire. This ensures continuity and prevents knowledge loss, facilitating smooth knowledge transfer within the organisation.
  • Increased Efficiency: Access to a comprehensive knowledge base streamlines workflows and reduces duplication of efforts. Employees can quickly find information, follow best practices, and avoid reinventing the wheel, leading to improved efficiency and time savings.

Slab and Slite are unique offerings as team wiki apps.

Understanding Slab

The Team Wiki App: Slab Explored!

What is a Team Wiki App?

Team wiki apps are essentially like wikipedia for your team. They help your team store information in an organised fashion and allow them to retrieve it without having to Slack or nudge that person each time. The term "Team wiki app" is very much a new age work term.

Is Slab one of the Better Team Knowledge Management Tools?

Yes and no. It offers a very focused experience as a knowledge base and is most similar to tools like Slite, but it doesn't offer the depth of features that tools like Almanac, Notion and Coda are offering when it comes to advanced databases that can be used to plan and plot projects. Slab offers similar features, but in a much lighter fashion.

What is Slab's Best Team Wiki App Feature?

Probably organization. Slab offers a way to organize items into posts and sub-topics allowing to span and log things well, it also offers search for quickly finding things not just in Slab but other integrations like Dropbox too. These are Slab's standout features as a team wiki app.

What does Slab for Chrome help me do?

This is like a pop-up team wiki app for Chrome for your team. It allows you to pop it open on the browser and search for topics and threads that might have been posted in Slab.

Does Slab offer Real-Time Editing?

Yes, you can see what people are working on in real-time editing feature. Slab makes this part of their team knowledgement management platform.

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