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Linear Review (2024)

Best Features, Pricing, Alternatives & Opinion

Linear is a base to plan sprints, roadmaps, and track issues. Used by a growing number of people, does Linear live up to the hype?

Linear Project View

What is Linear?

Linear is an issue tracking project management software with roadmaps & sprint planning.

Used by over 100,000 teams worldwide — Try it now for free / No credit card needed

Run all your work on one platform with customizable products that scale with your needs.

What is Linear used for?

Linear is used by software and product teams to track issues, plan sprints and map the roadmap with this in mind. It is used by teams in software development and product to help keep track of progress and move tasks and projects forward.

Linear is one of the fastest growing issue tracking tools on the market. This is a team tool and can be used as a solo user, but much more suitable for more than one member.

Best Linear Features

Let's take a look at what makes Linear app special and why people like it.

1. Issue Tracking

The issue tracking allows you to add an issue, give it a priority, label, assignee, and status. Within each of the issues, you can add sub-issues allowing you to breakdown each of the issues even further for better consolidation.

Issue Tracking in Linear

Each issue comes with activity tracker seeing the progress of the activity and when comments have been left too for other members to get better insight into the issue. You can assign it to a project you might be working on allowing you to turn it into a view.

Each of the pages that issues have allows you to add media, upload code & regular text formatting options for building a better context around the issue.

Used by over 100,000 teams worldwide — Try it now for free / No credit card needed

Run all your work on one platform with customizable products that scale with your needs.

2. Projects Roadmap

Viewing projects and issues as part of a project can be done using roadmap and views.

Both allowing to express the information you have better, like with the roadmap view (see below) allowing you to to move issues around and see when and where they position in the timeline allowing to keep track of blockades and timings.

The other views also include Kanban-style view for projects, list and timeline too - you can do this for projects or issues you have meaning you can break each view down to filtered, grouping and more in custom views.

Roadmap in Linear Issues

There's also a feature in Linear called Cycles which allows you to see the progress of the project, scope and what is blocking the project from completion - giving your team a visual representation of how things are going.

3. Extensive Customization

Settings in Linear allow you and the team to setup the correct details that you might need to know and need for the best issue tracking and project management.

Linear Settings Page

Everything from SLA (service level agreements) to the labels and membership access can be accessed in the Settings allowing the best workspace management for new members and also upgrading elements of the experience the more you use Linear as a team.

Used by over 100,000 teams worldwide — Try it now for free / No credit card needed

Run all your work on one platform with customizable products that scale with your needs.

Linear App Pricing

This is the pricing for Linear app. Updated December 2023.

How much does Linear app cost? Linear App Pricing

How much does Linear cost?

$10 per user, per month (paid monthly) and $14 per month for the Plus subscription.

There is a 20% discount on annual pricing and the free plan limits you to 250 issues.

Linear Review: Thoughts

Linear is a very innovative application and presents a beautifully designed tool for teams to keep track of issues and bring them into a project view that allows them to move needles. This app is going to be great for product and software development teams to get better work done in one house.

The best way to give you an experience is someone who uses Linear. Here's some thoughts from our interview with Tyson Young from Octfolio who uses Linear.

User Thoughts: Tyson Young

Tyson Young from Octfolio shared his take on it.

Tyson's been in the game for a while and has tried tools like Excel to Jira. But for him, Linear stands out with its awesome design, speedy performance, and keen eye for details.What really makes Linear shine is its knack for issue tracking and software development. Tyson loves how it focuses on doing this one thing really well.

When Octfolio switched to Linear, they said goodbye to their old, clunky tools and welcomed a much smoother way of working. Features like the triage inbox, customizable views, and nifty shortcuts have made their team more productive and even happier when building software.

Linear Project Creating

Linear's got this great layout that shows you everything about your project, from the big picture down to the nitty-gritty. It's not just about keeping track of issues; it's about making the whole project management process a breeze.

Tyson's planning to dive deeper into Linear's roadmap features soon, and he's pretty excited about it. All in all, Linear's been a game-changer for Octfolio, making their work smoother and more efficient. So, if you're in software development, Tyson's experience shows that Linear might just be the tool you need!

Used by over 100,000 teams worldwide — Try it now for free / No credit card needed

Run all your work on one platform with customizable products that scale with your needs.

Clean Design

People love the look and feel of Linear for managing issues, tasks and product roadmaps. Each feature seems so well crafted.

Sprint Focus

Managing sprints is one of the best in class. People love using cycles and velocity to manage those sprints in Linear.


Focused and building for a set audience of development and design teams allowing you to manage team productivity much more effectively, not for everyone.

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