


Our Rating

Workflowy Review (2024)

Best Features, Pricing, Pros, Cons & Verdict

Workflowy is basically like a very in-depth GTD note-taking system, you can use backlinks, capture anything and organize how you like. You can use Workflow to help brainstorm ideas, manage projects and work as a team.

What is Workflowy?

Workflowy is a little bit like a second brain system or a GTD note-taking system in one.

Used by over 100,000 teams worldwide — Try it now for free / No credit card needed

Run all your work on one platform with customizable products that scale with your needs.

What does Workflowy do?

You can capture anything, organize your work, analyze your notes, search for specific notes, and share what you have created. There are so many other tools and features such as nesting, backlinks, tags and more to help capture and organise.

Workflowy is a great tool for anyone who wants to organise and create in-depth notes.

This type of note-taking allows for analysing, organising projects from start to finish, and storing things they want to remember. It's also a good way for teams to collaborate on ideas and stay on track with tasks.

Workflowy Pros

Let's look at some of Workflowy's best features.

  • Capture anything - Capture files, images, text, things from your mobile and much more, then save them to Workflowy and organise them accordingly.
  • Share with others - Easily share work with others even if they dont have the app, or manage permissions inside the app.
  • Analyse notes - Use backlinks and tags to organise notes and make it easier to zoom in and analyse your work.
  • Second brain-ish - Workflowy feels like a second brain/intense note-taking tool that helps you make sense of your ideas and bring them to life.

Used by over 100,000 teams worldwide — Try it now for free / No credit card needed

Run all your work on one platform with customizable products that scale with your needs.

Workflowy Cons

Although you can manage tasks and projects in Workflowy, there isn't a set space for this.

  • Other tools for managing projects - If you want a more project and task focused tool you might want to try using Workflowy alongside something else.
  • More for notes and organising - Workflowy is great for note taking and saving ideas. You can work with your team in Workflowy but the workspace might not be as streamlined as other collaborative apps.

Workflowy Verdict

We think Workflowy is great for organizing notes, working alongside others with notes and creating a space full of backlinks, tags and information you can keep stored in a more collective way.

Used by over 100,000 teams worldwide — Try it now for free / No credit card needed

Run all your work on one platform with customizable products that scale with your needs.


Save anything from files, notes, web clippings and images to Workflowy.


Workflowy is simple and easy to get started with.


Organise all your notes, tasks and to-dos in an infinite structure.

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