
Our Rating

Mayday Calendar has been acquired and is being shutdown on May 5th 2024.

We'd highly recommend looking at the best Mayday alternatives or best calendar apps.

Mayday Calendar Review (2024)

Best Features, Pricing, Alternatives & Opinion

A new AI focused calendar app with a vision for better organizing your team meetings. Is this the calendar app to handle all your meetings and better manage you too?

Handle your calendar and meetings with Mayday on mac and mobile

What is Mayday Calendar?

Mayday Calendar wants to be your smart calendar app with AI that works on iOS and macOS. Very simply, Mayday handles meeting links, event planning and protecting time in your calendar for more effective and task-focused calendar management.

Mayday also has tasks and auto-scheduling for tasks built in allowing you to time-block. Currently in public beta, Mayday wants to be the base for managing your time in every way and that's why the AI learns from how you interact with your calendar each time to better understand and adapt to your needs.

Mayday will be available for Gmail & Outlook calendars.

Daily planning that flexes to you. Connect your to-dos and calendars. Try it free.

Time block from Notion, ClickUp, Linear, and more, in any calendar for intentional days.

Mayday Calendar Pros

Let's unpack some of the pros of Mayday Calendar and features we most liked about it:

Mayday Calendar AI Learning

1. AI Learning

First and foremost, one of the best things about Mayday is the way that the AI learns from you. It does this by analysing your calendar from editing events to the smart tags. Basically, the more you use the calendar, the more accurate the AI systems become.

This plays into the features like meeting scheduling, task auto-scheduling, managing internal and external suggested times and a lot more around function. This will keep updated on both iOS and macOS to better infuse your calendar.

Protecting Time with Calendar Shield in Mayday Calendar

2. Calendar Shield & Protection

The calendar shield function is a great way to protect time in your calendar by using a system that balances how many tasks you want to have or meetings. This scale allows you to flip between 100% meeting to 100% tasks, this helps to better align your focus.

You can go into settings and use the scheduling hours to better align where and when you like to work on certain things - eg. time on tasks, time on meetings or flexible slots. This better helps the AI to align on strategic decisions around planning your tasks & events.

This is one of the most comprehensive settings pages we've ever soon in our reviews.

Scheduling Links in Mayday Calendar

3. Ideal Times in Meeting Links

Sharing a meeting scheduling links allows people to see "ideal times" that are AI generated that perfectly suit you calendar. This makes it easier for people to pick slots that work better for you as a gesture before the meeting starts.

This could be super popular with anyone who wants to impress the other person by picking a slot that works for them and more practical. This probably will decrease the chance of the meeting being cancelled and the makes the likelihood the person on the other end is happier, much more likely.

Daily planning that flexes to you. Connect your to-dos and calendars. Try it free.

Time block from Notion, ClickUp, Linear, and more, in any calendar for intentional days.

Cons of Mayday Calendar

This is some of the things we noted people might not like with Mayday.

Mayday Calendar Scheduling Hours

1. Setting Up Time

There's setup cost here. Worth it to do, but for those who don't want to maybe spend between 30-45 minutes really optimising settings won't like an application like this. This is really more of a preference, but something we noted in our review.

2. AI Focused

Sort of expect this when looking at Mayday. The AI focus on scanning your Gmail and Outlook is super high meaning you cannot avoid it, unless you opt into the free plan. For those who are not sold on AI should avoid this application.

Mayday Calendar Pricing

Here's some of the pricing options for Morgen calendar to expect:

How much does Mayday Calendar cost?

Expect the product once out of public beta to be chargeable. For now, Mayday is free and works on macOS and iOS devices. Subject to change naturally.

Mayday Calendar Verdict

Mayday Calendar on Mac

Think of Mayday Calendar as an AI assistant. The application is smart because it blends that AI assistant with not only your meetings and events but with your tasks too, that some to-do list apps don't actually even have features like this.

Some features we didn't touch on like FYI events and smart tags in this review really did a great job at combining better calendar management.

Impressive start to their journey, Mayday Calendar has impressed us as a calendar app that focuses a lot of their time on learning from you and with some speedy iOS and macOS apps too. An interesting future ahead for Mayday.

Who's Mayday best for?

Probably those who need better help managing their calendar, setting up smarter meeting scheduling and an Apple-centric setup. Busy professionals will love this.

Daily planning that flexes to you. Connect your to-dos and calendars. Try it free.

Time block from Notion, ClickUp, Linear, and more, in any calendar for intentional days.

Protect Time

A neat feature designed to help you time-block on your calendar more effectively.

FYI Events

A cool trick that allows you to still be invited to meetings, but not remain bombarded by them to have it in your mind - whilst not attending.

Buffer Time

A smart way to schedule time post meetings or booking so you can prepare for the next, built into your booking process in Mayday.

Mayday Calendar: New Calendar App

Exploring Mayday Calendar for Planning

Is Mayday available on Android or Windows?

Not right now, Mayday is designed with SwiftUI for your calendar app to have a native feel on, currently, only iOS and macOS.

When was Mayday Calendar founded?

Mayday Calendar commenced work in 2018 on their new calendar app.

Does Mayday Calendar use AI?

Yes, Mayday Calendar offers a AI packed calendar app. AI allows you to find the best scheduling spots, learn from your calendar and scheduling habits.

What is Mayday Calendar's mission with calendar?

Mayday Calendar wants your calendar to be the base for your priorities.

Can you schedule meetings with Mayday Calendar?

You can share scheduling links with Mayday Calendar and allow others to book a meeting with you. If you share between Mayday Calendar accounts, maybe a friend or co-worker who uses it, you can get real-time updates on where the best places to book are.

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